Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Top 10 Party Must-Haves!

Top 10 Entertainment & Party Must-Haves

The Holiday entertaining season is almost here!  Will you be hosting an event or dinner party this season?  Do you know where to begin?  The first step is, of course, to decide on a menu-but then what?   After 10 years of being a military wife and hosting many gatherings and dinner parties in our home (for both my husbands work and my former home party/jewelry business), I have established my go-too list to make each event run beautifully.
  After hosting a dinner party for 20 people this past weekend the idea came to me to create this list.  I am sure there are a plethora of entertaining ideas floating around out there-but this is what I have found works for well for me.
This list list does not focus on what food items you should serve but instead focuses on party items that will make your life as the hostess much easier.
If you need help figuring out the food, check out this handy Party Planning Food Guide:
Party Planning 101- Food Guide

Now before you run out and make any purchases for your next party, ask yourself this question:  "Will I use a ________ at least 3 times?"  If the answer is no, then either use what you have (get creative) or borrow from a friend/neighbor. No one wants to spend money on something that will only be used once!  Chances are, one of your friends has the item you need to help your party be a success!

1.  Silverware Plate Caddy
Why I love em?  Keeps silverware and plates or napkins eaisly reachable for guests.  And it looks pretty too!  Gives you the look of being an organized hostess (even if your not)! 
They come in a variety of styles from casual to formal.  Great for buffet style entertaining (my fave!)  Personally, I prefer the basket style because you can either dress it up with some ribbon or fabric for nicer events or leave it as is for a more casual look.  
Our silverware caddy is loaded with napkins/ plates and plastic ware and stored in my cabinet so I can just grab it when we have last minute company, decide to eat outside on the patio, or on those nights when we just don't want to do dishes. This comes in handy year round. ;0)

2.  Beverage Tub
Lets face it- these just look so much nicer than a cooler.  I love em' so much we have 3!  And yes, they are well used around our house.  The one with the stand is nice, but honestly I don't use my stand very often.  Its just as easy to set it on the beverage table (if you have one or plan to set one up).  These don't have to cost you an arm and a leg either.  A galvanized tub from your local hard ware store can be purchased for around $15 or $20 and will work just fine. 

3.  Pitcher or Beverage Dispenser
(for water or tea!!!)
Water is FREE and guests like to drink!  Do yourself a favor and put out a pitcher of water.  Your guests will enjoy the convenience and you will actually save $$ in the long run on the cost of buying bottled water.  Put some lemon or orange slices in it to jazz up the flavor and place some cups next to it.  The truth is even if your guests are drinking soda, beer or wine (that you have stored in your handy beverage tub), they will want to supplement with water at some point during the event.

4.  Restroom Sign

  This one is so easy!  From your computer, print out a "Powder Room" or "Restroom" sign (in a nice font, of course) and tape it to the restroom door.  Your guests will appreciate not having to ask you where it is when they need to go and you will appreciate not being asked the same question all evening.   If its around the corner, print out some arrow signs with 'Restroom' above the arrow and tape them on the walls to guide they way.  Print it on card-stock and save it for the next event.

5.  Mason Jars

There are so many uses for these babies!  At $14.97 for a case case of them at Walmart, you cant go wrong.  Put some flowers or candles in them for a center piece, serve beverages in them, use them to store food when the party is over.  If you didn't splurge on the silverware caddy (#1) you can use mason jars in a pinch.  
The picture above is from our dinner party this past weekend.  I used mason jars filled with flowers for center pieces on the overflow tables we set up on the patio.  

Check out this link for other ideas for using Mason Jars: 

6.  Fresh Flowers

Flower Power!  Did you know that flowers are associated with feeling good and celebration?  Give your guests some extra cheer by bringing in some fresh cut flowers.  Whether you purchase them or pick them from outside you will be happy you added them to your party!

7. Cheese Tray
Who doesn't love a good cheese tray?  Its the perfect appetizer (especially if you are serving wine) and not to mention so EASY to put together.  What could be better?
This blog has some great ideas for putting together the perfect cheese tray:

8.  Fabric Table Cloth

A fabric table cloth may seem like an expense, but you will use them for years to come.  Stick with either black or white so they will complement any decor or theme.  
Black is best because it doesn't show food drips and white can be easily bleached.    
You can dress a black or white table cloth up or down- whatever you are in the mood for.  

9. Recycle Bin and Trash Can
Make sure your recycle bin and trash can are easily accessible and in plain sight.  
Trust me, you don't want to end up with a kitchen counter full of soda cans and bottles for you to clean up later and you certainly don't want guests going under your sink all evening to get to the trash. 
This is the one I always seem to forget until guests arrive, but it pays off big time to place them in plain sight.

10.  Burlap 

Yes, I said Burlap!  
This is more of a decorating thing than a function thing, but I just cant get enough of it!  
Why I love it? 
 Its cheap.  Its in style.  Its versatile.  
You can really create a 'casual-elegant' feel with just a little burlap.  
Make a burlap table runner in 5 minutes (post on that coming soon!), Lay a square of burlap over the table cloth, wrap candles in burlap, wrap silverware in burlap, you get the idea! 
 Burlap not your thing??  
Any fabric of your choice will create a similar effect and pull the party decor together! 
More post on burlap crafts coming soon!  

What are your favorite Party must-haves? 

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